Masquerade Challenge

Maestro Media has announced the latest Four Souls challenge, Masquerade via tweet today. To access the PDF, visit Maestro Media and scroll down past the news section for a direct download link.

The preface reads:

Isaac finds himself caught amongst a swirling, twirling mass, surrounded on all sides by unknown assailants. Orchestrating this, hidden deep within the pulsating crowd, is the Mask of Infamy. Your only chance of escape is to find the Mask and bring the revelry to an end – easier said than done when you can barely even tell friend from foe…

Ultra Hard

In this challenge, you are pitted against your friend and foe, and it’s up to the dice to decide what you attack! This is a pretty straightforward challenge, with the goal of defeating the Anonymous Mask of Infamy. Your attacks will be constantly redirected with dice rolls, and you’ll need to build up a stockpile of souls before you’re even able to take a swing at the Final Boss. Don’t let it recruit any minions, as they supply it with extra health while they stay standing. Collect souls, defeat its minions, and try not to get hit by your team to finally take down this boss.

Below are the versions of Anonymous Mask of Infamy for each of the following game modes: Normal, Hard, Ultra Hard, and Competitive.

Ultra Hard

Additionally, this challenge is available on the official Tabletop Simulator, just load up The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem+ and select Challenges from the starting game options.

Read more about Masquerade here.

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